Spearfishing can most definitely be an exciting, adrenaline rushing and delicious experience. However, there are most definitely rules that we need to follow when Spearfishing. This it to ensure that we are looking after our marine environments, not endangering any species and not breaking any laws with our spearguns.
Rule 1 – Knowing Where To Spearfish
Spearfishing or fishing in general is very heavily regulated. Most of the Australian coastline are considered marine sanctuaries. These are set up to not only protect our marine environment but to also protect any endangered species.

If you are found spearfishing or fishing in these areas, not only will it hurt the environment, it could also end you up in legal troubles…let’s try and avoid that shall we?
Rule 2 – Fish Size and Limits
This rule is in place to ensure that the smaller fish have a chance to re-produce and populate the oceans. If you are caught catching smaller fish, similar to rule 1, it will not only endanger our marine life but will also get you in legal troubles.
If you are spearfishing and you are unsure of the size or limits of the fish you have found, it is best to simply leave that fish alone. It is better to be safe than sorry.
If you would like to find out more about what fish you are allowed to spearfish and the legal sizes you are allow to catch, head to the Department of Primary Industries at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au and begin educating yourself.
Quick Tip: Only catch fish that you are certain will not lead you to breaking any rules. If you do this, you will avoid breaking any laws.

Rule 3 – Only Catch Fish You Are Going To Eat
It is important that you only ever catch a fish that you are going to eat. If we are catching fish simply for the sake of it, this would be considered unethical.
If you are unsure that what you are catching is actually good to eat, a simple Google search is all you need to help you find your answer.

Now that you are equipped with these three basic rules and regulations, you are ready to get out there and catch your dinner!
If you are still new to the entire Spearfishing world and would like more information on the best speargun for you, check out our ‘Introduction To Spearfishing’ blog.
If you would like more of a visual walkthrough on these rules about how to Spearfish legally and ethically, click the video below and let us help you.
Much success on your adventures Spearos!