Have you recently purchased one of our PVC Floats? If so, thank you very much for supporting our brand! If you haven’t, we are sure you are going to love using them.

Whether you have or haven’t, some of our newer spearos have experience some small difficulty in understanding and inflating our PVC Floats. Allow us to help you with this and provide you with the knowledge you need to use our PVC Floats when spearfishing.
What Is A PVC Float?
A spearfishing float is crucial for everyone when freediving or spearfishing. The float is used to alert boats in the water that there is a diver in the water or below the boat.
If you have caught a large fish while spearfishing, you can let go of the gun if you have a spearfishing float. Using a PVC Float Line attached to the float, you can still control and retrieve the fish, as well as your speargun.
So you see a spearfishing float is not only helpful but also, important for when you are freediving or spearfishing in the water.
How To Use Our Huntmaster Floats
With our Huntmaster PVC Floats, you will notice there is a valve cover. As a first step, you will need to open the valve cover. When you open the valve, you will notice there is a spring inside the valve.

The internal spring has two positions, the lock in and the lock off position. If you want to deflate the float, you can leave your finger off the spring, press down on the float and keep deflating. If you want to stop deflating the float, simply put your finger on the spring and stop pressing down on the float.

What we have noticed is that some of our spearos, when trying to inflate the float, they are keeping the spring in the lock in position. This is a very simple fix. To be able to inflate the float and take the float out of the lock in position, simply turn the spring anti-clockwise and take the spring out of the lock in position.
To know if the spring is locked in or out, simply press on it gently. If it rebounds, it is locked off.

Once the spring is locked off, insert your pump and begin inflating your Huntmaster PVC Float.

Now that you know how to operate our spearfishing floats, you are ready to alter boat traffic and spearfish. If you would like a video tutorial on how to inflate our PVC Floats, click the video below for a visual walkthrough. Happy Hunting!