INTRO TO SPEARFISHING: HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SPEARGUN FOR YOUIt’s time to start learning how to catch our own f...
Continue ReadingINTRO TO SPEARFISHING: HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SPEARGUN FOR YOUIt’s time to start learning how to catch our own f...
Continue ReadingSPEARGUN SAFETY AND ETIQUETTESpeargun accidents happen, and they’re pretty much always preventable. The sport is ...
Continue ReadingHOW TO LOAD AND RIG UP YOUR SPEARGUNAre you Ready to learn how a speargun works?First up, we’re gonna need to lo...
Continue ReadingTAKING YOUR FIRST SHOT – SPEARGUN TARGET PRACTICEReady to take your first shot?Taking our first shot, is a prett...
Continue ReadingCATCHING YOUR FIRST FISHWe’re finally ready to hunt and catch our first fish. But first we need to find it. As we...
Continue ReadingSAFE CATCH LIMITS AND FISH IDNot all fish taste good, or are legal, here’s your guide to the bestThis is an impo...
Continue ReadingADVANCED SPEARFISHING TECHNIQUESLooking to level up your spearfishing with some more advanced techniques?Open wa...
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